BfR research project on the quality of registration dossiers
Companies wishing to receive information on their substances from this project can contact the REACH-CLP-Biozid Helpdesk
If, as a registrant, you wish to recieve information on the results of the "compliance project" that the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), commissioned by the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), concerning substances you have registered, you can file a request with the REACH-CLP-Biozid helpdesk.
Send an e-mail to refering to the compliance project.
The project only considered the registration dossiers of the lead registrants under Article 6 of the REACH Regulation (no intermediates or PPORD). The evaluation of the dossiers was based on the contents of ECHA's database as accessed on 7th of March 2014 for the dossiers ≥ 1000 t/a and of 1st of March 2017 for dossiers ≥ 100 t/a.
In order to ensure the legitimacy of your request and to ensure the trustful handling of the data, we require the following information on each of the substances you have registered for which you wish to obtain the data before your request can be processed:
- Name and UUID of the legal entity that has currently registered the substance
- Name and UUID of the legal entity that had registered the substance at the time the data was collected (see dates above), if different
- CAS-No. of the substance
- EC-No. or list no. of the substance
- UUID of the registration dossier at the time the data was obtained from ECHA's database
For requests referring to legal entities that are not directly represented by you, a written letter of power of attorney must be attached to the request. This also applies to legal entities that are directly connected with you (wholly owned subsidiaries, etc.).
For the interpretation of the results we refer to the project reports published by the UBA - in particular to the methods section.