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REACH: New Methods, Omics and Novel Concepts in Toxicology – Current Application and Future Directions


Termin: 15. November 2021 , 12:30 Uhr  bis 17. November 2021 , 16:40 Uhr


Luisenstraße  58/59
10117 Berlin


The upcoming symposium aims to provide an update on major developments in the field of new emerging methods and concepts in toxicology. As a platform for researchers and representatives from academia, industry, and regulatory authorities, the symposium highlights methodological progress (e.g. in vitro, in silico, omics methods) as well as current and future applications for regulatory risk assessment. Its broader intention is to share and advance ideas on future possibilities and applications in the field.

You can find more information and the link to the registration here.


Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt.

Veranstalter: German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Anmeldefrist: 08.11.2021